Supporter 1:   0383478272

Supporter 2:   0982412522

Supporter 3:   0986784306

Supporter 4:   0977284799


Product code: EVM

Trademark: N/a


Residential/building water supply

Boiler feed

Pure/Ultrapure water feed

Pressurization at high attitude regions

Fire fighting

Cooling water supply for machinery and cleaning

Hot/cold water circulation


Vertical structure allowing for smaller installation space than the horizo ntal multi stage pump with the same overall performance

No need to disassemble the pump for replacing the mechanical seal, Top-Pull-Out structure allows for the assembly or disassembly of the pump without disassembling the individual pipes

High efficiency and energy-saving guaranteed by the cutting-edge press working techniques, Certified with its high efficiency

The suction pipe and discharge pipe are an inline type, delivering easy pipe work. A round flange has been adopted to all products for preventing water leakage due to pipe stress effect

Specification & Service Rages

Capacities : To 102 ㎥/hr

Heads : To 270 m

Design pressures : 16kgf/㎠G(232 PSIG)/ 25kgf/㎠G(355 PSIG)/ 30kgf/㎠G(427 PSIG)

Impeller type : Enclosed (STS304)

Temperature range : -15 ~ 120℃

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