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Supporter 4:   0977284799


Đăng bởi: Admin

VIETWATER 2012 is set to meet in Hanoi from 6 - 8 November 2012. It will be the 4th edition of Vietnam's No. 1 International Water, Wastewater and Industrial Wastewater Treatment & Purification Show. Held at the Vietnam Exhibition and Fair Centre (VEFAC) in the heart of Hanoi, VIETWATER is the preferred event where industry professionals get updated on the latest trends and developments, inspect new products, and build partnerships. It's where decision makers will find practical solutions to water and wastewater management.

Our Tecofi valve booth in the fair brings the products that have made a famous name in Tecofi's water market.

We are very pleased to welcome and look forward to receiving long-term support from customers,

Best Regards,

Dai Nam company

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